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  2. Products
  3. Name Printing

Name Printing

You can put company name or any other information on the back side of ready-made fan. Good for low cost, quick delivery, smaller lot cases.

Name Printing for paper fan (general)

Print your company name, address, telephone number, website URL on the backside of paper fan. Please ask us If you want to use original design.

Max 100mm x 60mm
Depends on the shape of fan.
Gothic or Mincho
Black, red, blue, blue black, green
Nothing in particular
Delivery date
2weeks – 1month.
*Please contact us if you are in a hurry.

We charge extra fee if you would like to use specific font, mark or color.

Name printing catalog

You can see PDF by clicking the image.
If you need booklet, please click here.

Estimation for name printing, inquery

For original product estimation, please click here.

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Product number*

Please check from the catalog. If you want multiple product number, plase use comma to make it clear. Ex : 1, 2, 5


If you want to have multiple case of estimation, please use comma to indicate. Ex : If you want estimation of 1000 product and that of 2000, please write "1000, 2000"

Product inquiry



